Phishing attacks remain one of the most pervasive and damaging cyber threats facing organisations today. These deceptive practices not only compromise sensitive data but also undermine the integrity of IT infrastructures. Enhancing resilience against phishing is essential to protect organisational assets and maintain trust.

This self-assessment is designed to evaluate the maturity of an organisation's resilience against phishing attacks. By systematically reviewing various aspects of your security practices, it provides insight into potential vulnerabilities and strengths, guiding improvements and ensuring compliance with best practices.

1. Phishing awareness and training

Awareness and training are the first lines of defence against phishing.

This section probes the frequency and methods of your training programs, assessing how well your organisation prepares its staff to recognise and handle phishing attempts. Regular, diverse training ensures employees are not only aware but also proficient in identifying and mitigating such threats.

2. Technology and tools to combat phishing

The tools and technology an organisation employs determine its capability to detect and respond to phishing attempts.

This section evaluates what technologies are in place, from basic email filters to AI-driven security solutions, and how these tools are used to safeguard against sophisticated phishing strategies.

3. Organisational culture and compliance

The strength of an organisation's cybersecurity culture significantly impacts its overall security posture.

This section looks at how cybersecurity is integrated into daily operations, the frequency of policy updates, and adherence to international standards, which are crucial for maintaining a robust defence against evolving threats.

4. Implementation of least privilege principle

Limiting access to information to those who need it to perform their duties is a critical security strategy.

This section examines how your organisation applies the principle of least privilege, reviewing policies, enforcement, and the frequency of access rights adjustments to prevent exploitation by malicious actors.

5. Employee behaviour and compliance monitoring

Monitoring how employees adhere to security policies and manage insider threats is vital for maintaining security integrity.

This section addresses the systems in place for monitoring, education, and proactive management of compliance, ensuring employees act as effective stewards of the organisation's digital assets.